Inner Child / Relational Recovery

Healing Past Wounds to Create Healthier Relationships

Your past experiences shape the way you connect with others, often in ways you might not even realize. If you’ve ever found yourself stuck in repetitive patterns, reacting strongly to certain situations, or struggling with intimacy, it could be the result of unresolved wounds from your childhood or past relationships. These issues don’t have to define your present or future.

Through Relational Life Therapy, I help you explore and heal your inner child—the part of you that still carries the pain of past traumas, unmet needs, and emotional wounds. Together, we’ll work to uncover the roots of your current struggles, address them with compassion, and guide you toward healthier, more fulfilling relationships.

Understanding the Inner Child

Your inner child is that vulnerable, emotional part of you that formed early in life. It holds memories, beliefs, and feelings from your childhood that continue to influence your adult relationships. You might not always be aware of it, but your inner child can trigger reactions and behaviors that seem out of place or overly intense in the moment.

  • Uncovering Hidden Wounds
    You might find yourself thinking, “Why do I overreact to certain things?” or “Why do I feel so unworthy of love?” These are often signs that your inner child is in pain. We’ll work together to uncover these hidden wounds and understand how they’re affecting your current relationships.

  • Addressing Unmet Needs
    As a child, you might have had needs that were never fully met—whether for love, safety, validation, or attention. You might hear yourself saying, “I just want to be noticed,” or “Why doesn’t anyone understand me?” In therapy, we’ll explore these unmet needs and find ways to fulfill them in your adult life, so you no longer have to seek them out in unhealthy ways.

  • Healing Old Traumas
    Past traumas can leave deep scars that continue to hurt long after the original events have passed. You might think, “I can’t seem to get over what happened,” or “That experience still haunts me.” I’ll guide you through the healing process, helping you release the pain and reclaim your sense of self-worth and security.

Common Challenges I Address

  • Repetitive Relationship Patterns
    Do you find yourself in the same types of unhealthy relationships over and over? You might be feeling, “Why do I always attract the wrong people?” or “Why do my relationships always end the same way?” We’ll explore how your inner child’s wounds are influencing your relationship choices and work to break these cycles.

  • Fear of Intimacy
    If you struggle to get close to others or push people away when they get too close, your inner child might be protecting you from the fear of getting hurt again. You might say, “I’m scared to let anyone in,” or “I don’t want to be vulnerable.” I’ll help you understand and overcome these fears, so you can experience deeper, more meaningful connections.

  • Low Self-Esteem
    Often, feelings of unworthiness or self-doubt stem from early experiences where you didn’t receive the love and validation you needed. You might think, “I’m not good enough,” or “I don’t deserve happiness.” In therapy, we’ll work on rebuilding your self-esteem by healing your inner child and reprogramming those negative beliefs.

How I Help

My approach to Relational Life Therapy involves:

  • Creating a Safe Space for Exploration
    In our sessions, you’ll have the space to explore your past without judgment. You might feel, “I’ve never been able to talk about this before,” or “I didn’t realize how much this still affects me.” I’ll guide you through the process with empathy and understanding, allowing you to uncover and heal your inner child.

  • Healing the Inner Child
    We’ll work together to connect with your inner child, offering the love, care, and validation they didn’t receive in the past. This process might bring up emotions like, “I’ve been carrying this pain for so long,” or “I finally feel understood.” As we heal your inner child, you’ll find that your reactions and relationships start to change for the better.

  • Strengthening Relational Dynamics
    As you heal, we’ll also focus on improving your current relationships. Whether it’s with a partner, family member, or friend, you’ll learn how to communicate your needs, set healthy boundaries, and build stronger, more fulfilling connections. You might think, “This is the first time I feel truly seen,” or “Our relationship has never been this strong.”

  • Empowering Self-Discovery
    Healing your inner child is also a journey of self-discovery. You’ll uncover parts of yourself that were hidden or suppressed, leading to a deeper understanding of who you are and what you want in life. You might say, “I’m discovering my true self,” or “I feel more empowered to live authentically.”

Embrace Your Journey of Healing and Growth

Relational Life Therapy is about more than just overcoming past wounds—it’s about embracing a journey of healing, self-discovery, and growth. As you heal your inner child and strengthen your relational dynamics, you’ll find that your life opens up in ways you never imagined. Your relationships will become more fulfilling, your self-esteem will improve, and you’ll feel more connected to yourself and others.


How do you book a therapy session?

Consultation call

Click here to book a 15 minute consultation call.

Connect with Kirsten

We'll connect over the phone, and I'll answer your questions.

Create your account and schedule your appointment

Register and complete the Docs and Forms before your first appointment.

Attend your session

You can attend in person (San Mateo, California) or virtually (within CA)

If you reside outside of CA I might be able to support you through Relationship Coaching. Learn about my coaching packages at Rekindle Your Romance.