Marriage and Family Therapy
    Kirsten Kell, MFT

To make an appointment, call or text 650-703-8681

Growing Through Change My belief is that people grow through change. This can happen in several ways. One way is that a change happens in your life: marriage, a move, the birth of a baby, divorce, a death and in order to adapt to the new circumstances you are required to change. Sometimes people change in healthy and adaptive ways and other times in unhealthy ways. Change does not guarantee growth, but it is an opportunity to learn more about yourself and to change in effective ways. Another way is that you are living your life as you have been and you start to feel depressed, anxious, angry or some other uncomfortable emotion. The message of the pain or discomfort you are experiencing is that you need to make a change. In this way you are pushed to grow through change.


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This call is an opportunity to learn more about my services to see if we are a good fit and to answer any questions you might have before scheduling an appointment.


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appointment online


Published Articles - The Bridge Newsletter* Kirsten's Corner: Handling Disapointment
    By Kirsten Kell, LMFT
* Successful Communication in Relationships (page 5)
    By Kirsten Kell, LMFT
* Problem Solving - A Recipe for Marital Success
    By Kirsten Kell, LMFT

The Growth Spiral The image of the spiral in the nautilus shell represents the journey of growth and change. Many people get discouraged when they believe they have grown and changed in an effective and adaptive way and then several years later they find themselves faced with the same problem they thought they had already dealt with. I see the problem as a straight line across your spiral path. We all have certain issues that due to our personality traits or our experiences will cause us more problems than other issues. It is not uncommon that these same problem issues will reoccur but the idea in growing through change is that this simply means you have outgrown your previous adaptations and you are ready for more growth and more change. Life requires change. When you stop changing you stop growing. We as human beings excel at adapting to changing circumstances. My desire is to help you on your journey to change in the most effective and adaptive ways possible.

Couple's Checkup • Is your relationship suffering as you transition to being parents?
• Do you feel misunderstood by your partner?
• Have you had thoughts about divorce?

Take the Couple Checkup and schedule an appointment to review your results and start making things better.

About Kirsten Kirsten is a Marriage and Family Therapist whose work focuses on couples, pre-marital counseling, troubled teens and other family issues. She earned her masters degree in Clinical Psychology from Pepperdine University and her bachelor’s degree in Psychology from Yale University.
Phone: 650-703-8681                            GROWING THROUGH CHANGE